Thursday, March 12, 2015

Fourth Interview Questions


  1. In your opinion, what qualities does it take to become a successful network marketer? 
  2. Do you think goals play a big part in success, more than we think?
  3. What advice you could you personally give me for my age, aside from network marketing?
  4. What would have you done differently in beginning, if you knew the information you know now?
  5. In you'r personal opinion, defined Network Marketing?
  6. Do you think consistency, is good habit to have when it comes to building a business and why?
  7. Can you give me two skills/qualities/habits from you're experience, that you think make a person successful?
  8. Should people have vision boards and why?
  9. Name the top three things that make a person unsuccessful?
  10. What makes you successful or do you think of yourself successful?
  11. What books would you recommend to read?
  12. What advice can you give me about network marketing aside from all the other questions?
  13. Give me your thoughts on school, after high school should people continue it or stop and why?
  14. If you were interviewing a successful person of your choosing, what would you ask them and answer your questions?
  15. Would you consider networking marketing more a business or social organization, explain your answer?
  16. Can you tell me some experiences or moments that had a big impact in your life while working the network marketing industry?
  17. How has this profession changed your life and others around you?
  18. Why would you recommended people network marketing and how would you?
  19. Why do you think self-employment is so important? Why do you believe in Network Marketing while others don't? 
  20. How can we convince people that self-emploment is better way?

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